The OC Stormwater Tools platform was developed as a collaborative effort of Orange County Public Works, MS4 Permittees, and other organizations within the South Orange County Watershed Management Area. The platform consists of three modules, plus workflows to support delineations. 



The Inventory Module is used to inventory water quality BMP assets, assess BMP conditions, and track maintenance activities. It also allows the user to define delineations and populate modeling attributes of BMPs and WQMP sites.

The Trash Module helps MS4 Permittees track compliance with the California Statewide Trash Amendments. This module is a calculation engine that brings together asset information with other GIS resources to provide up-to-date quantifications regarding progress. Progress can be viewed in multiple ways, including area-based (PLU acres), load-based (gallons per year), and OVTA (acreage of full capture equivalent).

The Modeling Module includes a calculation engine to quantify pollutant load reduction and other benefits of BMPs. This module calculates the long-term water balance and pollutant load reduction associated with inventoried BMPs. 

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